Monday, 8 December 2014

10 things I have learned about the Holocaust and World War 2

1. There were over 9000 concentration camps all over Europe.  Some of them were equipped to kill the people and some were just to hold them until there was room in the killing camps.  He killed them because he thought that everybody should be perfect.

2.  The Jews were forced to work and if they could not work they were shot.

3.   In the days after D-Day the Canadians tries to capture the city of Caen, but Kurt Meyer and the teenagers of the 12th SS were ferociously loyal to Hitler and they fought very hard.

4.  When they were captured even when injured they refused help and hated the allies.  They even spat in their faces.

5.  With so many soldiers being wounded for the fight of Caen.  They ordered nurses to treat the injured mean in tents with 25 beds.

6.  Hitler and Nazi Germany invaded 26 countries before his was stopped be the allies

7.   In battle when troops would perform parachuting missions they often found themselves alone in the wrong place.  Some of them had to walk a while to get to the actual battle.

8.  When the attack on Juno beach came solders were told not to stop and help anyone because they might be shot.

9.  Auschwitz was the largest killing camp located in Poland.

10.  During the end of world war 2 there were many invitations in tank technology like the Sherman tank with canvas on the side so it can float in the water.   They also made many dummy tanks so the enemy would be fooled.

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