My Grade 6 Memories
My Best Friends are Aidan, Trey and Callyn
My Favorite subject is gym
My Hardest subject is math
My Favorite thing this year is swimming
My Favorite Movies are The Last Stand and Django Unchained
My Favorite Song is Radioactive by imagine dragons
My Favorite game is MineCraft
My Favorite food is Steak
My Favorite game is MineCraft
My Favorite food is Steak
My Fondest memory this year was when there was a big storm and my dad had to pick me up from school
3 thing I will miss about grade 6 are
1. my classroom teacher
3.easy work
3 things I am looking forward to about grade 7
1. new classroom
2. new teacher classmates
10 things I learnt this year
1.stuff in math
2. stuff in social
3.stuff in science
4. stuff in ELA
5. stuff in french
6.stuff in health
7.stuff in gym
9.track and feild